Romi Robot Kit for FIRST - Red
This robot based on the Romi chassis and 32U4 control board provides a platform that FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) students can program using the full suite and libraries that are used to program competition robots, making it a great teaching tool and introductory competition robot. No soldering or tools are required to assemble this kit; the parts all just press or snap together. Just add a Raspberry Pi (not included) to the built-in control board socket to complete the robot. Once set up, the Raspberry Pi acts as a wireless intermediary between a computer running the FIRST software and the Romi control board, sending motor commands from the computer to the robot over Wi-Fi and reporting robot sensor values back to the computer.
Description | Specs (5) | Pictures (13) | Resources (17) | FAQs (0) | On the blog (0) | Distributors (1) |
Documentation and other information
Pololu Romi Chassis User’s Guide (Printable PDF)
User’s manual for the Pololu Romi Chassis.
Pololu Romi 32U4 Control Board User’s Guide (Printable PDF)
User’s manual for the Pololu Romi 32U4 Control Board.
File downloads
Pololu A-Star 32U4 drivers for Windows (version (7k zip)
This download contains the Windows drivers for the A-Star 32U4 and the rest of our 32U4 family of boards.
Schematic diagram of the Romi 32U4 Control Board (646k pdf)
Pinout and power distribution diagrams of the Romi 32U4 Control Board (1MB pdf)
Dimension diagram of the Romi 32U4 Control Board (604k pdf)
Actual-size view of the top of the Romi Chassis (115k pdf)
Print this page at 100% scale to get an actual-size view of the top of the Romi Chassis and all of its general-purpose mounting holes and slots.
3D model of the Romi 32U4 Control Board (29MB step)
Note: this model includes an LCD that is sold separately from the Romi 32U4 Control Board.
3D model of the assembled Romi Chassis Kit (20MB step)
Note: this model includes a front ball caster that is sold separately from the Romi Chassis Kit.
Drill guide for the Romi 32U4 Control Board (346k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.
Front, top, and side view of the Romi chassis (9MB dxf)
This dxf makes it possible to get various dimension measurements of the Romi chassis and its mounting holes.
Recommended links
WPILib Romi Robot documentation
Instructions from the WPILib team on how to use the Romi Robot for FIRST with the WPILib FRC software and libraries.
Romi 32U4 Arduino library
The Romi32U4 library for the Arduino IDE helps interface with the on-board hardware on the Romi 32U4 Control Board.
Romi 32U4 library documentation
Arduino Software
Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) software
A-Star repository on GitHub
This repository contains Arduino add-on files, Windows drivers, and bootloaders for the A-Star 328PB, A-Star 32U4, and the rest of our 32U4 family of boards.
ATmega32U4 documentation
Microchip’s product page for the ATmega32U4 AVR microcontroller, with links to its datasheet, application notes, and other resources.