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Pololu USB AVR Programmer User’s Guide

Pololu USB AVR programmer with included six-pin ISP cable.

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1. Overview
1.a. Module Pinout and Components
1.b. Supported Microcontrollers
1.c. Supported Operating Systems
2. Contacting Pololu
3. Getting Started in Windows
3.a. Installing Windows Drivers and Software
3.b. Programming AVRs using Atmel Studio
3.b.1. Adding Devices to Atmel Studio 6
3.b.2. Using Advanced Features of Atmel Studio
3.b.3. Faster programming with F5 in Atmel Studio
3.c. Programming AVRs Using AVR Studio 4
3.c.1. Using Advanced Features of AVR Studio 4
3.d. Programming AVRs Using AVRDUDE
3.e. Configuring the Programmer
4. Getting Started in Linux
4.a. Linux Driver
4.b. Programming AVRs in Linux
5. Getting Started in Mac OS X
5.a. Firmware Support for Mac OS X
5.b. Determining serial port names in Mac OS X
5.c. Programming AVRs in Mac OS X
6. Communicating via the USB-to-TTL-Serial Adapter
6.a. Communicating via the Serial Control Lines
7. Measuring Voltages Using the SLO-scope
8. Troubleshooting
9. Upgrading Firmware

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