Electronics » Sensors » Force-Sensing Resistors and Linear Potentiometers »
Force-Sensing Resistor: 0.6″-Diameter Circle, Short Tail
This force-sensing resistor (FSR) from Interlink Electronics is a passive component that exhibits a decrease in resistance when there is an increase in the force applied to the 0.58″-diameter (1.5 cm) active area, allowing you to create a sensor that is able to detect force or pressure. With a force sensitivity range of a few grams to a few kilograms, this sensor is optimized for use in human touch control applications.
Alternatives available with variations in these parameter(s): size Select variant…
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New products (and demo): Force-sensing linear potentiometers and resistors
- 15 May 2014We are now carrying four exciting new sensors from Interlink Electronics: 0.25″-diameter circle, short tail force-sensing resistor (FSR)...