2.a. Orangutan SV-xx8 and LV-168 Pin Mappings

Orangutan SV-168 bottom view with dimensions (Arduino pin mapping).

Orangutan LV-168 bottom view with dimensions (Arduino pin mapping).

Pin Assignment Table Sorted by Function

 Function   Arduino Pin   mega168 Pin 
digital I/Os (x8) digital pins 0 and 1
analog inputs 0 – 5
PD0, PD1,
PC0 – PC5
analog inputs (x8) analog inputs 0 – 7 PC0 – PC5, ADC6, ADC7
motor 1 control (A and B) digital pins 5 and 6 PD5 and PD6
motor 2 control (A and B) digital pins 3 and 11 PD3 and PB3
red user LED digital pin 1PD1
green user LED digital pin 7PD7
user pushbuttons (x3) digital inputs 9, 12, and 13 PB1, PB4, and PB5
buzzer digital pin 10 PB2
LCD control (RS, R/W, E) digital pins 2, 8, and 4 PD2, PB0, and PD4
LCD data (4-bit: DB4 – DB7) digital pins 9, 12, 13, and 7 PB1, PB4, PB5, and PD7
user trimmer potentiometer analog input 7
(through jumper)
temperature sensor (LV-168 only)
battery voltage monitor (SV-168 only)
analog input 6
(through SMT jumper)
ICSP programming lines (x3) digital pins 11, 12, and 13 PB3, PB4, PB5
reset pushbutton reset PC6
UART (RX and TX) digital pins 0 and 1 PD0 and PD1
I2C/TWI (SDA and SCL) analog inputs 4 and 5 PC4 and PC5
SPI inaccessable to user

Pin Assignment Table Sorted by Pin

 Arduino Pin   Orangutan Function   Notes/Alternate Functions 
digital pin 0 digital I/O USART input pin (RXD)
digital pin 1 digital I/O connected to red user LED (high turns LED on)
USART output pin (TXD)
digital pin 2 LCD control line RS external interrupt 0 (INT0)
digital pin 3 M2 control line Timer2 PWM output B (OC2B)
digital pin 4 LCD control line E USART external clock input/output (XCK)
Timer0 external counter (T0)
digital pin 5 M1 control line Timer0 PWM output B (OC0B)
digital pin 6 M1 control line Timer0 PWM output A (OC0A)
digital pin 7 LCD data line DB7 connected to green user LED (high turns LED on)
digital pin 8 LCD control line R/W Timer1 input capture (ICP1)
divided system clock output (CLK0)
digital pin 9 LCD data line DB4 user pushbutton (pressing pulls pin low)
Timer1 PWM output A (OC1A)
digital pin 10 buzzer Timer1 PWM output B (OC1B)
digital pin 11 M2 control line Timer2 PWM output A (OC2A)
ISP programming line
digital pin 12 LCD data line DB5 user pushbutton (pressing pulls pin low)
Caution: also an ISP programming line
digital pin 13 LCD data line DB6 user pushbutton (pressing pulls pin low)
Caution: also an ISP programming line
analog input 0 analog input and digital I/O ADC input channel 0 (ADC0)
analog input 1 analog input and digital I/O ADC input channel 1 (ADC1)
analog input 2 analog input and digital I/O ADC input channel 2 (ADC2)
analog input 3 analog input and digital I/O ADC input channel 3 (ADC3)
analog input 4 analog input and digital I/O ADC input channel 4 (ADC4)
I2C/TWI input/output data line (SDA)
analog input 5 analog input and digital I/O ADC input channel 5 (ADC5)
I2C/TWI clock line (SCL)
analog input 6 dedicated analog input SMT-jumpered to temperature sensor (LV-168 only)
SMT-jumpered to battery voltage monitor (SV-168 only)
ADC input channel 6 (ADC6)
analog input 7 dedicated analog input jumpered to user trimmer potentiometer
ADC input channel 7 (ADC7)
reset reset pushbutton internally pulled high; active low
digital I/O disabled by default

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