4.b. Baud Rates

The Qik 2s15v9 can handle baud rates between 1200 and 115,200 bps. In its default state, the Qik starts up in an automatic-baud-detection phase and waits to receive the byte 0xAA (decimal 170). The Qik detects the baud rate from this byte and proceeds to the normal operation phase at this baud rate. If you have the one or both of the fixed-baud jumpers in place, the Qik skips the autodetect phase and instead immediately begins normal operation at a baud rate as indicated in the table below.

Baud Mode
OFFOFFauto-detect baud rate (1200 – 115,200 bps)
ONOFFfixed baud rate at 115,200 bps
OFFONfixed baud rate at 38,400 bps
ONONfixed baud rate at 9,600 bps

Please see Section 3.d for more information on the fixed-baud jumpers.

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