1. Overview

The Qik 2s15v9 adds a comprehensive yet easy-to-use, high-power option to Pololu’s line of motor controllers. The compact board allows any microcontroller or computer with a serial port to drive two brushed DC motors with full direction and speed control, providing up to 12 A (continuous) per motor channel and tolerating peaks as high as 30 A. The improvements over competing products include:

  • high-frequency PWM to eliminate switching-induced motor shaft hum or whine
  • a robust, high-speed communication protocol with user-configurable error condition response
  • visible LEDs and a demo mode to help troubleshoot problematic installations
  • reverse power protection on the power supply

Main Features of the Qik 2s15v9

  • Simple bidirectional control of two DC brush motors.
  • 6 V to 24 V motor supply range.
  • 12 A maximum continuous current per motor (30 A peak).
  • Logic-level, non-inverted, two-way serial control for easy connection to microcontrollers or robot controllers.
  • RS-232-level, one-way serial control for easy connection to a PC serial port.
  • Optional automatic baud rate detection from 1200 bps to 115.2 kbps.
  • Seven on-board indicator LEDs (power, status/heartbeat, error indicator, and motor indicators) for debugging and feedback.
  • Error output to make it easier for the main controller to recover from an error condition.
  • Jumper-enabled demo mode allowing initial testing without any programming.
  • Optional CRC error detection eliminates serial errors caused by noise or software faults.
  • Optional motor shutdown on error or serial timeout for additional safety.


Motor channels: 2
Operating voltage: 6 – 24 V
Continuous output current per channel: 12 A
Peak output current per channel: 30 A
Auto-detect baud rate range: 1200 – 115,200 bps
Available fixed baud rates: 115,200 bps, 38,400 bps, 9600 bps
Available PWM frequencies: 19.7 kHz, 9.8 kHz, 2.5 kHz, 1.2 kHz, 310 Hz, 150 Hz
Reverse voltage protection?: Y
Motor driver: VNH5019 x2

Important safety warning

This product is not intended for young children! Younger users should use this product only under adult supervision. By using this product, you agree not to hold Pololu liable for any injury or damage related to the use or to the performance of this product. This product is not designed for, and should not be used in, applications where the malfunction of the product could cause injury or damage. Please take note of these additional precautions:

  • Since the PCB and its components are exposed, take standard precautions to protect this product from ESD (electrostatic discharge), which could damage the on-board electronics. When handing this product to another person, first touch their hand with your hand to equalize any charge imbalance between you so that you don’t discharge through the electronics as the exchange is made.
  • Review the instructions carefully before making any electrical connections, and do all wiring while the power is turned off. Incorrect or reversed wiring could cause an electrical short or unpredictable behavior that damages this product and the devices it is connected to.
  • This product is designed to be connected to motors, which should be operated safely. Wear safety glasses, gloves, or other protective equipment as appropriate, and avoid dangerous situations such as motors spinning out of control by designing appropriate safeguards and limits into your projects.

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Pololu Qik 2s15v9 Dual Serial Motor Controller
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