5. Included Header Pins

The Baby Orangutan ships with 0.1" header pins as shown in the left picture below: two 12×1 strips and one 3×2 ISP programming header. Both 12×1 strips can be soldered in to allow the module to be used as a DIP component on breadboards or prototyping boards, or a single 12×1 strip can be soldered in to allow the module to be used as a single in-line pin (SIP) component (since power pins, one of the motor outputs, and several I/O lines are all accessible from one side). The header pins can be left off and wires can be directly soldered to the Baby Orangutan for space-constrained installations.

Baby Orangutan B with included 0.1" header pins.


Baby Orangutan B with included header pins soldered in for breadboard installation.

If you solder in the 3×2 ISP header pins, the solder connections should be made along the bottom side of the board so the pin connections are available from the top side of the board, as shown in the right picture above. If you solder the ISP pins to the wrong side of the board, your programmer’s ISP cable will not be able to connect correctly to the Baby Orangutan.

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