Pololu distributor: RobotStore (Italy)

This page shows just a single distributor. For a complete list, see our full distributors page or all 9 distributors in Italy.

Contact information

Strada Chiesuola 117
04010 B.go Carso - Latina (LT)
Tel: 0039 0773631858

Distributor website


Purchased products

This distributor has ordered 45 different Pololu products over the last year; see the distributor website for availability. Here is the list of purchased products:

New Products

3.3V, 2.5A Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S13V25F3
Motoron M1U550 Single Serial Motor Controller (Header Pins Soldered)
Motoron M2T550 Dual I²C Motor Controller (Header Pins Soldered)
Ribbon Cable with Pre-Crimped Terminals 10-Color M-F 60" (150 cm)
VL53L7CX Time-of-Flight 8×8-Zone Wide FOV Distance Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulator, 350cm Max
Zumo 2040 Robot (Assembled with 75:1 HP Motors)
15V, 2.5A Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S13V25F15
AltIMU-10 v6 Gyro, Accelerometer, Compass, and Altimeter (LSM6DSO, LIS3MDL, and LPS22DF Carrier)
VL53L8CX Time-of-Flight 8×8-Zone Distance Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulators, 400cm Max
MinIMU-9 v6 Gyro, Accelerometer, and Compass (LSM6DSO and LIS3MDL Carrier)
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