Comments by Richard S.

  • Jon's line following robot: Usain Volt 2.0

    Jon's line following robot: Usain Volt 2.0

    - 4 January 2016

    Hi Jon -

    Wanted to thank you for making your files available. We have built our first car for something other than line following and had a great time doing it. It was a huge help to have your thoughts on building your car, the list of parts, and the template. We really appreciate it!

  • Jon's line following robot: Usain Volt 2.0

    Jon's line following robot: Usain Volt 2.0

    - 9 December 2015

    I would like to build a car starting with your acrylic chassis as a template but for a different purpose than line following. Would you mind sharing the template for your acrylic chassis and if so, what's the least expensive way for me to get one cut? I plan to get all my parts from Pololu.

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