Comments by ROBERT F.

  • Understanding battery capacity: Ah is not A

    Understanding battery capacity: Ah is not A

    - 12 March 2018

    To calculate how long your appliance or equipment will operate for, you times maH by volts then divide by watts.
    I am trying to build a 10 x 1.2v 10,000maH per D cell NiMH parallel battery pack and step up to 12v 50 amps.
    I saw some research that says D cells should run optimal between 5 and 10 amps and can handle peaks upto 30 amps. The higher the amps the thicker the core must be. The amps are generaly matched by the maH though and they can handle more temporarily. I should imagine a TRANSFORMER will work for my project as long as there are enough electrons.
    Any suggestions.

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