Pololu distributor: TJ Electronics (Mexico)

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Contact information

TJ Electronics
Physical storefront
Boulevard Alberto Limón Padilla, Plaza Amistad 17515
Otay Constituyentes
Tijuana, B.C. 22457

Distributor website


Purchased products

This distributor has ordered 0 different Pololu products over the last year; see the distributor website for availability. Here is the list of purchased products:

New Products

ACS72981KLRATR-150U3 Current Sensor Large Carrier 0A to 150A, 3.3V
A5984 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Adjustable Current
CT432-HSWF50DR TMR Current Sensor Compact Carrier 0A to 50A, 5V
ACS71240KEXBLT-050B3 Current Sensor Carrier -50A to +50A, 3.3V
ACS72981LLRATR-050B3 Current Sensor Large Carrier -50A to +50A, 3.3V
RoboClaw 2x200A, 60VDC Motor Controller
4.2-15V, 3.3A Fine-Adjust Step-Down Voltage Regulator D30V33MAS
Pololu Ideal Diode Reverse Voltage Protector, 4-60V, 10A
CT432-HSWF30DR TMR Current Sensor Compact Carrier 0A to 30A, 5V
4.2-15V, 3A Fine-Adjust Step-Down Voltage Regulator w/ Adjustable Low-Voltage Cutoff D30V30MASCMA
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