Comments by Brad H.

  • New product: A-Star 328PB Micro

    New product: A-Star 328PB Micro

    - 17 April 2018

    Thank you Kevin. After updating I was able to upload via ICSP, but not Serial. I will go look at the forum.


  • New product: A-Star 328PB Micro

    New product: A-Star 328PB Micro

    - 15 April 2018

    I know this is not the right place for this, but I need help with this board... I ordered a couple of them (and two of the 2.1 prog's) when you sent out that email, but I am STILL not able to compile for them in any of my Arduino programming environments (Arduino, MS VS Code, Visual Studio 2017 w/ Visual Micro (paid) plugin).

    It looks like the compiler is not liking spaces in my PC (Win 10/HP I5/8GB laptop) user name, but as I would have to completely re-install the OS to change it, I am unwilling to do so.

    The error I get is this:

    avr-g++: error: **LAST PART OF MY TWO-WORD-WITH-A-SPACE USERNAME HERE**\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\pololu-a-star\hardware\avr\4.0.1/variants/a-star328pb/io_328pb.h: No such file or directory

    I have verified the path and file exists, and that is the correct path, minus the obligatory C:\users\**FIRST PART OF MY USERNAME**.

    Can you point me to the file I need to edit to correct this? I "assume" we need a \% or something in there to support it. While I'm pretty comfortable and not new to embedded programming, I am far from conversant with the intricacies of the Arduino programming environment.

    Thank you,

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