Product Status Designations

The product status fields on Pololu product pages are intended to help those designing the products into their own products or into curricula quickly determine if a product is likely to be available or appropriate for long-term use. Please contact us if a product you are interested does not have its status specified or if you would like to better understand why a product has a particular status.

The following product status designations are available:

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9V Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S8V9F9
12V, 2.5A Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S13V25F12
Motoron M3H550 Triple Motor Controller for Raspberry Pi (Connectors Soldered)
Motoron M1U550 Single Serial Motor Controller (Header Pins Soldered)
DRV8434 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier
Motoron M1U550 Single Serial Motor Controller
Graphical OLED Display: 128x64, 1.3", White Pixels, SPI, Black PCB
DRV8434 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier (Header Pins Soldered)
7.5V, 3A Step-Down Voltage Regulator D30V30F7
VL53L8CX Time-of-Flight 8×8-Zone Distance Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulators, 400cm Max
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