Ruby on Rails Engineer

This is an old posting from 25 October 2019. It is no longer current and is only for reference purposes.

The company

Pololu is an electronics manufacturer and online retailer serving education, maker, and professional engineering industries with products ranging from sensors and motion control electronics to motors and wheels to complete robots. We are a small, growing company, and we are always looking for intelligent and dedicated people to join our team.

You can find out more about us and see other open positions on our jobs page.

The position

We are looking for motivated and responsible engineers to help develop our web site, a retail site that handles hundreds of orders per day and provides documentation and technical information to tens of thousands of customers. Qualified applicants should have extensive experience with web development and Linux server operations, as well as a good understanding of the Ruby language, the Ruby on Rails framework, and SQL databases (we use MariaDB).

The ideal candidate would be able to take over responsibility for the entire web site after a few months.

Additional details

Duties and responsibilities


Other desirable skills

How to apply

To apply for this position at Pololu, please fill out our application form and send us a cover letter and resume to Applicants will also be required to pass an Employer Lynx background investigation before being hired. For additional questions about any positions, please contact Linnea Goldstein at 702-262-6648 or

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